Levada walks where to start?
Most of our guests want to try at least one Levada walk but many times don´t know where to start or even if it is suitable for them. Some fear that it might be to long or hard, others that it might not be suitable for the whole family.
But there are a few that you can do all together.
One of our favorite for the whole family is Vereda dos Balcões. This walk begins in Ribeiro Frio and has as destination the fabulous Balcões’ , after a short but grandeur walk between the typical greenery of Madeira’s forest. It has a distance of 2,7 kms (from start to end) and although you go through the same path on both ways it´s like you have so much to discover still on your way back. This place it’s also ideal to bird watching, since there is a huge variety that nicely greets visitors . Pay attention on your way as between this nice little creature stands out the Firecrest, the Chaffinch, the Grey Wagtails, Blackbirds, Robins, Buzzards or the very rare Madeira’s long-toed pigeon.
And once you reach the end (half-way to be honest as you will then coming back) the viewpoint is wonderful and you can really enjoy the lush green Madeira scenery all the way to the sea.
I always recommend checking the Walk me guide website to see all the information about each trail. It is very important in all rails to respect the the indications for your own safety.
On your way back you can stop at one of Ribeiro Frio´s coffes and enjoy a nice slice of apple pie and maybe a glass of Poncha to keep you warm.